5.22.070 Termination.
Any prisoner who appears at a bureau facility and is determined by bureau staff to be in violation of any part of his or her court ordered conditions of participation in electronic home monitoring or of the rules and conditions of the electronic home monitoring shall be taken into custody. Thereafter, unless a hearing is expressly waived, the prisoner may request an administrative hearing to contest the determination of the bureau. Such hearing shall be conducted in accordance with bureau policies and procedures for hearings of prisoner appeals of disciplinary findings. (Added by Amended Ord. 94-041, May 25, 1994; Amended by Ord. 04-090, Oct. 20, 2004, Eff date Nov. 1, 2004; Amended by Amended Ord. 08-137, Nov. 10, 2008, Eff date Jan. 1, 2009).