Chapter 30.91B "B" DEFINITIONS
This chapter is included in your selections.
- 30.91B.010 Background water quality.
- 30.91B.012 Back-to-back sign structure.
- 30.91B.015 Bakery, farm.
- 30.91B.016 Bakery, retail.
- 30.91B.017 Bakery, wholesale.
- 30.91B.020 Base flood.
- 30.91B.022 Base flood elevation.
- 30.91B.025 Base station.
- 30.91B.030 Basement.
- 30.91B.035 Basement.
- 30.91B.036 Basement, daylight.
- 30.91B.037 Beach.
- 30.91B.038 Beach feeding.
- 30.91B.039 Beach restoration.
- 30.91B.040 Bed and breakfast guesthouse.
- 30.91B.050 Bed and breakfast inn.
- 30.91B.060 Bedrock.
- 30.91B.070 Bench.
- 30.91B.080 Best management practices or BMPs.
- 30.91B.090 Best management practices.
- 30.91B.110 Billboard.
- 30.91B.120 Binding site plan.
- 30.91B.130 Repealed.
- 30.91B.132 Biosolids.
- 30.91B.140 Boarding house.
- 30.91B.150 Boat launch facility.
- 30.91B.152 Breakaway wall.
- 30.91B.160 Boathouse.
- 30.91B.165 Boat ramp.
- 30.91B.175 Bollard.
- 30.91B.180 Boundary line adjustment (BLA).
- 30.91B.185 Breakwater.
- 30.91B.190 Buffer.
- 30.91B.200 Building.
- 30.91B.210 Building area.
- 30.91B.220 Building area, gross.
- 30.91B.222 Building area, net.
- 30.91B.230 Building front.
- 30.91B.240 Building height.
- 30.91B.250 Building line.
- 30.91B.255 Built Green.
- 30.91B.256 Built Green Community.
- 30.91B.257 Built Green Single Family/Townhome.
- 30.91B.260 Bulkhead.