Subtitle 30.6
This subtitle is included in your selections.
This chapter is included in your selections.
- 30.61.005 Legislative objectives.
- 30.61.010 Purpose and applicability.
- 30.61.020 SEPA rules - adoption by reference.
- 30.61.030 Use of exemptions.
- 30.61.035 Exemption thresholds for minor new construction and infill development.
- 30.61.040 Lead agency.
- 30.61.045 Lead department.
- 30.61.055 Designation of responsible officials and consultation.
- 30.61.057 Completeness determination.
- 30.61.060 Time limits.
- 30.61.065 Additional timing considerations.
- 30.61.070 Expiration of all applications subject to SEPA.
- 30.61.100 Environmental checklist.
- 30.61.110 Public notice.
- 30.61.112 Environmental review of building or land disturbing activity permit subsequent to environmental review of land use proposal.
- 30.61.115 Early notice of whether a determination of significance is likely.
- 30.61.120 Mitigated determination of nonsignificance (MDNS).
- 30.61.122 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) requirements relating to stormwater management.
- 30.61.130 EIS preparation.
- 30.61.140 EIS public hearing.
- 30.61.150 No action for seven days after publication.
- 30.61.200 Authority to condition.
- 30.61.210 Authority to deny.
- 30.61.220 Denial without EIS.
- 30.61.230 SEPA policies.
- 30.61.300 SEPA appeals - general.
- 30.61.305 Appeal of threshold determination-filing of affidavit or declaration.
- 30.61.307 Mandatory settlement conference.
- 30.61.310 Standard of review and hearing procedure for SEPA appeals.
- 30.61.330 Judicial review.