30.10.050 Countywide and multi-county planning policies.
(1) Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210(2), Snohomish County has adopted countywide planning policies (CPPs) that establish the framework for county and city comprehensive plans as follows:
(a) Ordinance No. 93-004, adopted on February 4, 1993 (adopting CPPs); and
(b) Ordinance No. 94-002, adopted on February 2, 1994 (amending Policies UG-4, HO-7, OD-2); and
(c) Amended Ordinance No. 95-005, adopted on February 15, 1995 (amending Policy UG-2); and
(d) Ordinance No. 95-110, adopted on December 20, 1995 (amending Policy UG-2, Appendix B; and
(e) Ordinance No. 98-054, adopted on July 15, 1998 (amending Policy TR-12, adding Policy TR-13); and
(f) Amended Ordinance No. 99-120, adopted on January 19, 2000 (adding Policy OD-12); and
(g) Amended Ordinance No. 99-121, adopted on February 16, 2000 (amending Policies UG-14, HO-9, and ED-3); and
(h) Amended Ordinance No. 03-071, adopted on July 9, 2003 (adopting list of reasonable measures); and
(i) Amended Ordinance No. 03-072, adopted on July 9, 2003 (amending UG-14); and
(j) Amended Ordinance No. 03-073, adopted on July 9, 2003 (amending OD-4); and
(k) Amended Ordinance No. 03-070, adopted on December 10, 2003 (amending UG-15); and
(l) Amended Ordinance No. 04-006, adopted on February 11, 2004 (amending Population Growth Targets);
(m) Amended Ordinance No. 04-007, adopted on March 31, 2004 (amending various policies and adding various new policies);
(n) Amended Ordinance No. 06-098, adopted on December 20, 2006 (amending UG-14 relating to Southwest UGA expansions and technical corrections);
(o) Amended Ordinance No. 06-116, adopted on December 20, 2006 (amending Appendix B to include 2025 reconciled growth targets);
(p) Amended Ordinance No. 08-054, adopted on June 3, 2008 (amending MUGA map);
(q) Amended Ordinance No. 09-061, adopted on August 12, 2009 (amending Appendix B to reflect rural population growth target reduction);
(r) Amended Ordinance No. 09-062, adopted on Sept. 8, 2009 (amending Appendix B to reflect the removal of the population reserve for fully contained communities);
(s) Ordinance No. 10-037, adopted on July 7, 2010 (amending Appendix B and Appendix B Table 3 to reflect revised MUGA boundary between Bothell and Mill Creek);
(t) Amended Ordinance No. 11-011, adopted June 1, 2011 (repealing and adopting new CPPs);
(u) Amended Ordinance No. 11-021, adopted June 1, 2011 (amending Appendix B of the CPPs);
(v) Amended Ordinance No. 11-015, adopted June 8, 2011 (amending the Housing Chapter of the CPPs);
(w) Ordinance No. 12-070, adopted October 17, 2012 (amending Southwest Snohomish County MUGA boundaries);
(x) Ordinance No. 13-032, adopted June 12, 2013 (repealing and replacing Appendices A and B of the CPPs);
(y) Ordinance No. 14-006, adopted April 16, 2014 (repealing and replacing Appendix B of the CPPs);
(z) Ordinance No. 14-031, adopted June 4, 2014 (amending Economic Development and Employment Chapter of the CPPs);
(aa) Amended Ordinance No. 16-078, adopted October 12, 2016 (amending the Development Patterns and General Framework Policies Chapters and Appendices D and E; and repealing and replacing Appendices A and B of the CPPs);
(bb) Amended Ordinance No. 21-059, adopted September 29, 2021 (amending the Countywide Planning Policies);
(cc) Ordinance No. 22-003, adopted February 23, 2022 (repealing and replacing Appendices A and B of the CPPs).
(dd) Ordinance No. 23-062, adopted July 19, 2023 (amending Appendix B of the CPPs).
(2) Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210(7), Snohomish County participated with King, Pierce, and Kitsap counties in the development and adoption of multi-county planning policies. These policies were adopted by the Puget Sound Regional Council on March 11, 1993 by Resolution A-93-02 and were updated by Resolution PSRC-A-95-02 on May 25, 1995 and Resolution PSRC-A-08-04 on April 24, 2008. (Added by Amended Ord. 02-064, Dec. 9, 2002, Eff date Feb. 1, 2003; Amended by Amended Ord. 03-071, July 9, 2003, Eff date Aug. 8, 2003; Amended by Amended Ord. 03-072, July 9, 2003, Eff date Aug. 8, 2003; Amended by Amended Ord. 03-073, July 9, 2003, Eff date Aug. 8, 2003; Amended by Amended Ord. 03-070, Dec. 10, 2003, Eff date Jan. 5, 2004; Amended by Amended Ord. 04-006, Feb. 11, 2004, Eff date Feb. 29, 2004; Amended by Amended Ord. 04-007, Mar. 31, 2004, Eff date Apr. 23, 2004; Amended by Amended Ord. 06-098, Dec. 20, 2006, Eff date Jan. 19, 2007; Amended by Amended Ord. 06-116, Dec. 20, 2006, Eff date Jan. 19, 2007; Amended by Amended Ord. 08-054, June 3, 2008, Eff date June 20, 2008; Amended by Amended Ord. 09-061, Aug. 12, 2009, Eff date Sept. 10, 2009; Amended by Amended Ord. 09-062, Sept. 8, 2009, Eff date Sept. 18, 2009; Amended by Ord. 10-037, July 7, 2010, Eff date Aug. 1, 2010; Amended by Amended Ord. 11-011, June 1, 2011, Eff date June 24, 2011; Amended by Amended Ord. 11-021, June 1, 2011, Eff date June 24, 2011; Amended by Amended Ord. 11-015, June 8, 2011, Eff date June 24, 2011; Amended by Ord. 12-070, Oct. 17, 2012, Eff date Nov. 10, 2012; Amended by Amended Ord. 13-032, June 12, 2013, Eff date June 30, 2013; Amended by Ord. 14-006, Apr. 16, 2014, Eff date Apr. 27, 2014; Amended by Ord. 14-031, June 4, 2014, Eff date June 16, 2014; Amended by Ord. 15-005, Mar. 18, 2015, Eff date Apr. 2, 2015; Amended by Amended Ord. 16-078, Oct. 12, 2016, Eff date Nov. 10, 2016; Amended by Amended Ord. 21-059, Sept. 29, 2021, Eff date Oct. 22, 2021; Amended by Ord. 22-003, Feb. 23, 2022, Eff date Mar. 6, 2022; Amended by Ord. 23-062, July 19, 2023, Eff date July 31, 2023).