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III.  Implementation Measures

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The following implementation measures are strategies that have been identified for meeting the recommendations of this Snohomish County Park and Recreation Element (Park Element):

1. Monitor level-of-service (LOS) standards and needed improvements to meet minimum standards.The Snohomish County Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks) completes an annual Statement of Assessment as part of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that evaluates progress in meeting LOS standards for park classifications identified as necessary to support development. This annual review provides a check-in to ensure Parks continues to meet LOS standards and an opportunity to identify and address any concerns.

2. Seek partnership opportunities.It is recognized that there is immense value in working with other recreation providers to collectively meet recreation needs within the county. There are opportunities for efficiencies in providing facilities and services and synergy that is gained by coordinating efforts. Whenever possible, Parks will work to identify potential partners, including public/private and public/non-profit partners to collectively address common goals.

3. Pursue alternative funding opportunities.Many past park projects have been supported by grant funding provided by the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) as well as other sources. The value of grants to support park provision efforts is immense and Parks seeks to continue to identify and pursue grant funding opportunities. In addition to grants, Parks also seeks to maximize other non-county provided funding sources such as donations, sponsorships and other sources of funding.

4. Maintain flexibility.Although this document identifies specific projects and projections for the next eight years, unforeseen opportunities arise frequently when considering park projects. Unanticipated funding, unique purchase opportunities and partnership proposals are brought forward regularly for consideration. While this Park Element strives to anticipate actions over the next eight years, it is understood that opportunities will arise that were not foreseen. This document is intended as a guide, but in no way should be construed to be an absolute listing of actions that will be undertaken by the Parks Department.

5. Seek public input into prioritization of projects.Parks actively seeks to gather input from park users regarding their priorities for new facilities, satisfaction with current facilities and recommendations for improvement. Parks gathers this input through public meetings, surveys and solicitation of comments and compiles this information in the Snohomish County Park and Recreation Visioning Plan (PRVP). This document is updated at least every six years, although it is anticipated that more frequent updates may occur in order to coincide with the mid-point and update schedule for this Park Element. The input collected in the PRVP will be used to prioritize projects contained within the Park Element and brought forward for funding in the CIP.

6. Take care of what we have.The public is very supportive of parks in their communities and values the role that they play in quality of life. Through development of this document, and as iterated in the PRVP, a strong sentiment was heard to focus on existing parks and take care of what is currently provided. While there is always excitement surrounding new facilities, there is also great love for current parks and interest in taking care of those facilities. Through development of this document, a number of parks have been identified for renovation needs. Completion of full-park renovation, as well as on-going maintenance and life-cycle replacements, will help ensure existing parks can continue to function and support current and future users.

7. Take the long view.Parks recently celebrated fifty years as a department (1963 – 2013) and is looking ahead to the next fifty years. We are excited about the future and continuing to provide facilities to serve future population and generations. We are committed to acting in a sustainable manner and always working to improve what we do. We provide an important service and believe that what we do contributes to quality of life for the county and that parks make the world a better place.