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Appendix E – Procedures for Buildable Lands Reporting in Response to GF-7

This appendix is included in your selections.

Procedures Report Use the procedures report that has been accepted and recommended by the Snohomish County Tomorrow (SCT) Steering Committee and adopted by the County Council. The procedures report used by local jurisdictions shall address the following issues:

1. Multi-year work program and schedule;

2. Jurisdictional responsibilities for data collection, analysis, and reporting;

3. Eight-year buildable lands review and evaluation methodology, including a methodology for establishing an accurate countywide baseline inventory of commercial and industrial lands;

4. Annual data collection requirements;

5. Coordinated interjurisdictional data collection strategy;

6. Definitions and relationships of key urban land supply terms and concepts, including market availability factor and the UGA safety factor;

7. Content of the eight-year buildable lands review and evaluation report;

8. Criteria and timelines for consistency and inconsistency determinations based on the review and evaluation results; and

9. Process for public involvement during preparation and finalization of the eight-year buildable lands reports.

Resolving Inconsistencies in Collection and Analysis of Data In the event of a dispute among jurisdictions relating to inconsistencies in collection and analysis of data, the affected jurisdictions shall meet and discuss methods of resolving the dispute. In the event a successful resolution cannot be achieved, the SCT Steering Committee shall be asked to meet and resolve the matter. In such instances, the Steering Committee co-chairs will make every effort to ensure that all Steering Committee jurisdictions are present and in attendance, and that the affected jurisdictions are provided with proper notice of such discussion. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to alter the land use power of any Snohomish County jurisdiction under established law.